Maximise your chances of attracting and retaining the best talent

Cultural fit is maximising the likelihood that an individual will be able to fit in and adapt to the collective behaviours and expectations that make up your organisation’s culture.

It isn’t common for someone who has thrived in one organisation to struggle in another. The most common reason is poor cultural fit. Get it right, and your people are likely to stay and flourish. Get it wrong, and a great culture can quickly turn toxic.

In a market where candidates have more options to make informed employment choices, cultural fit is more important than ever to employers, team members and the new hires.

CulturePsych can help you understand and articulate your culture upfront. You’ll then be well placed to build cultural fit into your recruitment and performance management practices and set your organisation and your people up for success.

“75% of talent recruiters say that cultural fit is more important than a prospective employee’s work history and experience. 57% of job seekers across all career levels consider culture as important as pay when evaluating job prospects”.

Source: Hinge Research Institute, Employer Branding Study, July 2020.